Fermilab features
India’s Department of Atomic Energy is making a $140 million in-kind contribution to the PIP-II accelerator under construction at Fermilab. Indian institutions will provide a number of technical components for the new machine. The collaboration provides Indian scientists the training, technical insight and know-how for the development of their domestic particle accelerator program.
One of the big, recent innovations by the CMS collaboration—a new trigger installed in their experiment at the Large Hadron Collider—has produced its first data set. The analysis of this data has started. Scientists expect it will either reveal new physics or set more stringent limits in the search for long-lived particles.
Scientists at Fermilab have received funding from the DOE Office of Technology Transitions and the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management to develop devices that generate particles to be accelerated in compact accelerators. The final result could be a machine for metal 3D printing and other applications.