
From Science, September 29, 2022: Fermilab’s DUNE and Japan’s Hyper-K experiments are building similar yet different projects that will study neutrino oscillations and search for CP violation in hopes it will lead to answers on how the newborn universe generated more matter than antimatter. Read more on how these two projects are progressing, how they differ and how they might answer more about the elusive neutrino.

From Contemporary Controls: Fermilab hosted the second annual Building Automation Summit as an opportunity for the engineers, technicians, and managers from the various national labs to exchange knowledge and best practices. Postponed twice due to the pandemic, attendees said it was great to have an in-person event again.

From Physics Today: Snowmass 2022 this past July took place over 10 days with almost 1,200 people participating online and in person at the University of Washington. It involved 511 white papers spanning 10 “frontier” areas. This once-a-decade meeting also reaffirmed support for completing the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) and the affiliated Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility to carry our DUNE’s science goals.

Cameo Lance spoke at an American Physical Society meeting about her winding path from an undergraduate degree in physics to the space industry.

From CNN, September 26, 2022: Don Lincoln discusses how NASA and researchers slammed a 570 kilogram spacecraft called Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) into the Dimorphos asteroid to test if the impact will change the asteroid’s trajectory and help scientists understand if potentially dangerous space rocks can be diverted before they endanger the Earth.

From Science News, September 22, 2022: Emily Conover explains in this video why the universe contain so much more matter than antimatter told through the lens of a classic, 8-bit video game, with matter and antimatter locked in an epic battle for cosmic supremacy. Experiments like DUNE will examine ghostly subatomic particles known as neutrinos to provide clues.