The ProtoDUNE detector is being assembled at the European laboratory CERN. Photo: Maximilien Brice, CERN

The ProtoDUNE detectors for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment are behemoths in their own right.

From the UK’s Science and Technology Facilities Council, Jan. 16, 2018: A UK team has just completed their first prototype anode plane assembly, the largest component of the DUNE detector, to be used in the ProtoDUNE detector at CERN.

From Physics World, January 2018: Nigel Lockyer talks about the future of particle physics – and why neutrinos hold the key.

From Rapid City Journal, Nov. 29, 2017: For more than five years, Ross Shaft crews have been stripping out old steel and lacing, cleaning out decades of debris, adding new ground support and installing new steel to prepare the shaft for its future role in world-leading science. On Oct. 12, all that hard work paid off when the team, which worked its way down from the surface, reached a major milestone: the 4850 Level. Deputy Director Chris Mossey weighs in.

From Scientific American, Sept. 19, 2017: Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer, Deputy Director Joe Lykken, DUNE co-spokesperson Mark Thomson, theorist Stephen Parke and Northwestern University’s André de Gouvêa help explain how DUNE, the largest experiment ever to probe mysterious neutrinos, could point the way to new physics.

From CERN Courier, Sept. 22, 2017: The DUNE far detector will be the largest liquid-argon neutrino detector ever built, comprising four cryostats holding 68,000 tons of liquid. Prototype detectors called protoDUNE are being built at CERN.