
1 - 10 of 523 results

NOvA study sets tighter limit on sterile neutrinos

    The NOvA collaboration scientists recently published a study finding no evidence of sterile neutrinos, but their work puts the tightest constraints on parameter space to date for where sterile neutrinos could be found.

    800-mile-long ‘DUNE’ experiment could reveal the hidden dimensions of the universe

      A study published in the Journal of High Energy Physics proposes that the enigmatic behavior of neutrinos could be explained if there exist extra spatial dimensions on the scale of micrometers and the familiar three dimensions of space. The theory of large extra dimensions offers a potential explanation for the origin of the tiny neutrino masses not covered int he Standard Model of Physics.

      Truck with a long platform transporting a large curved apparatus drives in front of a tall building; international flags are visible on the left

      Ten ways Fermilab advanced science and technology in 2024

      In 2024, Fermilab made significant scientific progress, including advancing preparations for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment and conducting groundbreaking quantum research. The laboratory also continued its strong international collaborations — including involvement with the CMS experiment at CERN — and made strides in developing emerging technologies with wide applications beyond physics.

      Particle research gets closer to answering why we’re here: Physicists outline next 10 years of neutrino research

        A newly published white paper outlines the next 10 years of global research into the behavior of neutrinos that could explain why the universe has more matter than antimatter. One of those neutrino projects is DUNE, the most ambitious neutrino research project led by Fermilab. The paper was an ambitious undertaking of the more than 170 contributors from 118 organizations and was a result of Snowmass 2021/2022.

        Understanding the mystery of neutrino particles

          The Innovation Platform investigates how the NOvA experiment at Fermilab is working to determine the role of mysterious neutrinos. To find out more about the NOvA experiment’s goals and recent progress, Innovation Platform recently spoke to NOvA co-spokespersons Patricia Vahle, Professor of Physics at William & Mary, and scientist Alex Himmel from Fermilab.