
From the University of Warwick, Nov. 21, 2019: The University of Warwick has received over £900,000 to provide essential contributions to the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab, which aims to answer fundamental questions about our universe. The investment from UK Research and Innovations’ Science and Technology Facilities Council is a four-year construction grant to 13 educational institutions and to STFC’s Rutherford Appleton and Daresbury laboratories.

From the University of Birmingham, Nov. 21, 2019: The UK has made a new, multimillion-pound investment in the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, a global science project hosted by Fermilab that brings together the scientific communities of the UK and 31 countries from Asia, Europe and the Americas to build the world’s most advanced neutrino observatory.

From The Atlantic, Nov. 17, 2019: Describing neutrino oscillations is notoriously tricky. The search for a shortcut by Fermilab physicist Stephen Parke, University of Chicago physicist Xining Zhang and Brookhaven National Laboratory physicist Peter Denton led to unexpected places. They ended up discovering an unexpected relationship between some of the most ubiquitous objects in math.

From Scitech Europa, Nov. 15, 2019: Researchers at the University of Manchester in the UK have been given a €7m grant from the UK Research and Innovation’s Science and Technology Facilities Council to support the university’s particle physics program for three years. The money supports, in part, participation in the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab.

From UC Davis’s Egghead, Nov. 15, 2019: On Nov. 14, Fermilab and international partners held a groundbreaking for the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility at the Fermilab site. LBNF will send a beam of trillions of neutrinos straight through Earth to the underground detector in South Dakota, 800 miles away. LBNF provides the infrastructure for the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab.

For the last three decades, physicists have patiently waited for the next nearby supernova. Luckily, waiting is no longer the only option.
With an upgrade to the Super-Kamiokande detector, neutrino physicists will gain access to the supernovae of the past.

From the University of Manchester, Nov. 14, 2019: Research into particle physics at the University of Manchester has been given a boost in the form of UK Research and Innovation grants in excess of £6 million. The money supports, in part, participation in the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab.