
31 - 40 of 55 results

Program offers students a refuge in STEM

    REFUGES, started by physicist Tino Nyawelo, aims to give refugees and other underrepresented groups the tools to succeed in STEM. Although the program is focused on increasing diversity in STEM disciplines, the overall goal is to address the academic and cultural difficulties that refugee youth face in Utah.

    STEM Career Expo at Fermilab

      From NCTV17, April 20, 2018: The next generation of scientists and engineers gathered at Fermilab for the annual Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Career Expo. Watch the 90-second segment.

      COD students learn through partnerships with Fermi, Argonne

        From Daily Herald, Feb. 8, 2018: Having access to two of the U.S. Department of Energy’s 17 national labs is a rarity for a community college, and yet College of DuPage is fortunate to have both Argonne National Laboratory and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory located within its boundaries.