Standard Model

From Big Think, Feb. 15, 2023: The Standard Model of Physics has been challenged by the Muon g-2 and W-boson measurements. Don Lincoln discusses a recent paper in the journal Nature Communications that attempted to resolve two significant discrepancies in particle physics.

For decades, scientists have tried to find a way to measure the mass of the lightest matter particle known to exist. Three new approaches now have a chance to succeed.

From Big Think, Jan. 10, 2023: While the Standard Model is the best theory available in modern physics to explain subatomic physics, it cannot explain why antimatter isn’t observed in nature or provide an explanation for dark matter and dark energy. Don Lincoln explains how recent measurements of muons and electrons are propelling the idea that there may be undiscovered laws of nature yet to discover.

From Live Science, Dec. 29, 2022: This past year proved successful for particle physics research. Read more about the eight projects identified by Live Science as the biggest and best physics stories of 2022 and how Fermilab was a part of two of them.

From New Scientist, Dec. 16, 2022: This year was another busy year in science and technology and New Scientist news editors’ have chosen some of the biggest scientific developments, discoveries and events in 2022. Included in this year’s selections is the April 2022 announcement of the mass of the W boson that used Fermilab’s Tevatron.