
From Big Think, Nov. 2, 2022: Don Lincoln explores Hubble tension, two very precise yet conflicting estimates of the rate at which the Universe is expanding. While the of Universe expansion is consistent, the two ways in which this is measured begs the question if something is missing in cosmology theory.

From CNN, September 26, 2022: Don Lincoln discusses how NASA and researchers slammed a 570 kilogram spacecraft called Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) into the Dimorphos asteroid to test if the impact will change the asteroid’s trajectory and help scientists understand if potentially dangerous space rocks can be diverted before they endanger the Earth.

From the Big Think, September 20, 2022: Don Lincoln ponders the size of the Universe. That is the hypothetical Universe versus the actual Universe. Read more about what we don’t know and what we do know about the Universe that began almost 14 billion years ago.

From American University, September 6, 2022: Four years ago, artist Shanthi Chandrasekar exhibited at Fermilab which led to a collaboration with Michael Albrow at the American University in Washington, DC. From September 10 – December 11, 2022, Singularities and Infinities will be on display and is a juxtaposition of art and science. Together Shanthi Chandrasekar, an artist trying to capture the intricacies and wonders of the Universe, and Michael Albrow, an experimental physicist and science writer, seek to explain in a few words the science behind the workings of the Universe.

From msn.com reposting of the El Confidental, August 28, 2022: New data from the James Webb Space Telescope shows inconsistencies between the observed galaxies and the current theory explaining the origin of the universe. Fermilab’s Don Lincoln provides some explanations before questioning astrophysics as we have come to know it.

From Popular Mechanics, April 9, 2022: New research shows the W boson is heavier than scientists expected with the discovery going against the Standard Model of particle physics. Recently, a 400-person team announced the results of data they carefully sifted through of more than four million collisions from the Collider Detector at Fermilab.