Congressmen visit Fermilab
From Kane County Chronicle, May 18, 2018: See photos from the May 12 visit to Fermilab by five members of Congress.
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From Kane County Chronicle, May 18, 2018: See photos from the May 12 visit to Fermilab by five members of Congress.
A five-member bipartisan delegation toured the laboratory, met a Nobel laureate, and discussed the flagship LBNF/DUNE neutrino project.
From Business Insider, April 24, 2018: In Chicago, Her Excellency visits Fermilab, America’s premier national laboratory for particle physics and accelerator research.
Governor General Payette toured Fermilab’s extensive research complex and marked the start of a new partnership in particle physics research.
Binkley discussed our neutrino, muon and collider physics programs with Fermilab experts, as well as our accelerator science and technology efforts.
Menezes is DOE’s principal advisor on energy policy and emerging energy technologies. He is also responsible for the coordinated management of DOE energy programs.
From The Beacon-News, Jan. 9, 2018: National laboratories should continue to bring in talent from across the world to advance understanding of science and promote global outreach, U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry said Tuesday during a speech to employees at Batavia’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
Dabbar spent the day touring the lab and meeting with Fermilab employees.