
From the World Conference of Science Journalists, Aug. 26, 2019: In this video, Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer participates in a panel discussion on the big questions that remain unexplained today regarding the origin, nature and ultimate fate of the universe. The other panelists are CERN Director-General Fabiola Gianotti, French National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics Director Reynald Pain, and University of Zürich Professor Laura Baudis. Physics Today’s Toni Feder) moderates.

From Eifel Zeitung, Sept. 5, 2019: Das nächste große Neutrinoexperiment DUNE am Fermilab in Chicago wollen sie maßgeblich mitgestalten und sind dabei nun einen wichtigen Schritt vorangekommen: Verantwortliche von Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz und Fermilab haben eine Vereinbarung zur gemeinsamen Berufung einer international renommierten Forscherpersönlichkeit unterzeichnet.

From CNRS, Aug. 30, 2019: A scientist at the French National Center for Scientific Research talks about neutrinos and the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab, in this 2-minute video.

The Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany, has taken a significant step to participate in the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab. Fermilab and the university have signed an agreement to jointly appoint an internationally renowned researcher who will strengthen the experimental particle physics research program at JGU Mainz and advance a German contribution to DUNE. This is the first Fermilab joint agreement with a university in Germany.

From Science, Aug. 8, 2019: Fermilab physicists are resurrecting a massive particle detector by lowering it into a tomblike pit and embalming it with a chilly fluid. In August, workers eased two gleaming silver tanks bigger than shipping containers, the two halves of the detector, into a concrete-lined hole. Hauled from Europe two years ago, ICARUS will soon start a second life seeking perhaps the strangest particles physicists have dreamed up, oddballs called sterile neutrinos.

Scientists are working on a pixelated detector capable of clearly and quickly capturing neutrino interactions — a crucial component for the near detector of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment. Using technological solutions developed at University of Bern and Berkeley Lab, a prototype detector called ArgonCube is under construction in Bern and will arrive at Fermilab next year.