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Fermilab taking applicants for DUNE jobs

Fermilab looking for Lead area and southwest SD people who would like to join the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility/Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment team. There are a series of hiring events planned to meet with those interested in being part of DUNE including the Lead Employment Expo, which will be held at the Sanford Lab Homestake Visitor’s Center on April 16.

Physicists from Syracuse University are part of the more than 1,400 scientists that make up the DUNE collaboration. The Syracuse team were involved in the development and testing of the first detector’s components, helping finalize the design and testing plans of the anode plane assemblies. The team also researched and developed light sensors for the first detector’s module and investigated how adding small amounts of the element xenon could improve their performance.

WGN honored Tom Skilling’s retirement with a send-off and messages from the community partners he worked with over the years. Fermilab was part of Tom’s career as he hosted severe weather seminars in Ramsey Auditorium for 38 years. See the Fermilab tribute to Tom Skilling for his dedication to science.

Fermilab scientists are part of a team of global collaborators working on groundbreaking research to unlock the mysteries of the Kukulcán pyramid in Chichén Itzá using advanced X-ray analysis and cosmic ray detection. The research aims to gain insights into the construction techniques and purposes of the pyramid’s inner chambers which could not only confirm the existence of a hidden chamber but also shed light on the architectural and cultural achievements of the Maya civilization.

Excavation of massive caverns for Fermilab’s DUNE detector completed

Physicists from the University of Texas at Arlington will build portions of the first two far detectors to be installed at the South Dakota site fro DUNE. Having been part of the collaboration since its earliest stages, UTA physicists also assisted in the construction of prototype detectors at CERN.

“Beyond the Visible”, a unique exhibit representing the collaboration between artists and scientists from the Fermilab at the Schingoethe Center of Aurora University. The exhibit aims to spark dialogue and bring a new perspective to the forefront of scientific inquiry and artistic expression and is open to the public until May.

Recent research on muons reveals inconsistencies between observed magnetic behaviors and theoretical predictions, hinting the potential discovery of new physical phenomena or the need to update quantum mechanics theories.

Agnes Chavez

New Mexico-based artist Agnes Chavez will work with scientists at Fermilab to explore new ways to use data visualization, light, sound and space to communicate the importance and relevance of science, in particular research on particles called neutrinos.

Mischa Zupko, the 2024 guest composer at Fermilab, will work with Fermilab scientists to create musical interpretations of projects like the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment. He will use actual mathematical models to create his compositions and plans to use the scientific model as the basis for the music.