In the news – DUNE media

81 - 90 of 157 results

Accelerator experiments are closing in on neutrino CP violation

    From Physics Today, June 1, 2020: Somewhere in the laws of physics, particles must be allowed to behave differently from their antiparticles. If they weren’t, the universe would contain equal amounts of matter and antimatter, all the particles and antiparticles would promptly annihilate one another, and none of us would exist. Fermilab’s NOvA neutrino experiment and the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab, are pinning down CP violation, the property that could explain the imbalance.

    Why the U.S. is betting it all on the most puzzling particle in the universe

      From Gizmodo, May 18, 2020: Neutrino physics is a trek into the unknown, one that the United States physics community has chosen to pursue full-on. A flagship experiment called LBNF/DUNE will lead the search, in pursuit of answers that may take decades or more to find. Fermilab Deputy Director for Research Joe Lykken, DUNE spokesperson Ed Blucher, and DUNE scientists Chang Kee Jung and Elizabeth Worcester talk about how neutrinos will enhance our understanding of the universe.

      Neutrino asymmetry passes critical threshold

        From Quanta Magazine, April 15, 2020: The first official evidence of a key imbalance between neutrinos and antineutrinos provides one of the best clues for why the universe contains something rather than nothing. Fermilab scientist Debbie Harris comments on the T2K experiment’s latest result. Fermilab’s NOvA experiment and the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab, will also help provide a more precise understanding of the asymmetry.

        Weird neutrino behavior could explain longstanding antimatter mystery

          From, April 15, 2020: A new study from the T2K experiment looked hard for signs of CP symmetry violation in neutrinos and came up with some intriguing results. The international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab, will provide complementary techniques and measurements that may provide a more definitive answer in the quest for CP violation.

          Skewed neutrino behavior could help explain matter’s dominion over antimatter

            From Science, April 15, 2020: Neutrinos behave differently from their antimatter counterparts, antineutrinos, report physicists on the T2K experiment. The result is far from conclusive, but the asymmetry, known as CP violation, could help explain how the newborn universe generated more matter than antimatter. NOvA spokesperson Patricia Vahle of William & Mary comments on the T2K result and NOvA’s measurements of CP violation. When the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab, comes online, it will be able to make more precise measurements of neutrinos’ behavior.

            Neutrinos may explain why we don’t live in an antimatter universe

              From New Scientist, April 15, 2020: Differences between matter and antimatter, called CP violation, have been measured in some particles, called quarks, but the level isn’t nearly enough to explain the observed imbalance between matter and antimatter. The T2K collaboration has observed hints that CP violation in neutrinos may be able to make up the difference. DUNE spokesperson Ed Blucher of the University of Chicago comments on the result.

              Matter-antimatter symmetry violated

                From Nature, April 15, 2020: In a mirror world, antiparticles should behave in the same way as particles. But it emerges that neutrinos, electrons and their more exotic cousins might not obey this expected pattern. Fermilab scientist Jessica Turner and Durham University scientist Silvia Pascoli provide a commentary on T2K’s recent neutrino result, CP violation, and how other neutrino experiments, including the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab, will make more precise measurements of the mysterious neutrino’s behavior.

                Why the Big Bang produced something rather than nothing

                  From The New York Times, April 15, 2020: An international team of 500 physicists from 12 countries, known as the T2K collaboration, reported that they had measured a slight but telling difference between neutrinos and their opposites, antineutrinos. Fermilab Deputy Director Joe Lykken comments on the result and how the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab, may be able to make a definitive discovery of CP violation.

                  Brasil e EUA debatem sobre Tecnologia realizada em Brasília

                    From, March 10, 2020: Durante a comissão, as delegações dos EUA e do Brasil adotaram um plano de trabalho para aprimorar a já excelente cooperação em STEAM. A FAPESP e a Fermilab assinaram um memorando de entendimento para aprofundar a cooperação científica e técnica em Física de Altas Energias. A Unicamp e Fermilab também assinaram um acordo de pesquisa e desenvolvimento cooperativo para o sistema criogênico LNBF de última geração.

                    Brasil e Estados Unidos estreitam parceria estratégica em ciência e tecnologia

                      From Brazilian Space, March 10, 2020: Durante a 5ª Comista, os dois países adotaram um Plano de Trabalho em Ciência e Tecnologia para o período de 2020 a 2023. Também foram firmados acordos de cooperação na área de cooperação científica em Física de Partículas de Alta Energia entre o Fermilab e a Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo e outro acordo na mesma área entre o Fermilab e a Universidade de Campinas.