Baby bison keep Fermilab herdsman hopping
From The Beacon-News, April 25, 2017: At the high-tech scientific center that is Fermilab in Batavia, Cleo Garcia has a unique job – herdsman.
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From The Beacon-News, April 25, 2017: At the high-tech scientific center that is Fermilab in Batavia, Cleo Garcia has a unique job – herdsman.
From Nature, April 11, 2017: Fermilab’s Muon g-2 experiment will measure the muon’s magnetic moment with unparalleled precision, perhaps revealing unknown virtual particles.
Undergraduates search for hidden tombs in Turkey using cosmic-ray muons.
From Daily Herald, April 11, 2017: Elgin’s youngest bison has been known only as No. 67 — from the Fermilab auction where she was purchased — and needs a name.
Particles seen by the ALICE experiment hint at the formation of quark-gluon plasma during proton-proton collisions.
From Nation News, April 9, 2017: Arden Warner is attracting attention to himself and his work as a physicist at Fermilab and to his private exploit developing a nontoxic way to clean up oil spills.
From The Shorthorn, April 19, 2017: University Hall Room 108 was over its 252-person capacity as spectators gathered to listen to Nigel Lockyer, Fermilab director, give his biggest talk about neutrinos.
A new result from the LHCb experiment could be an early indicator of an inconsistency in the Standard Model.
While driven by the desire pursue curiosity, fundamental investigations are the crucial first step to innovation.