
From Stanford University, June 7, 2023: Stanford University has announced experimental particle physicist, Stan Wojcicki, who played an essential role in modern neutrino oscillation experiments using high energy beams, has passed away. Wojcicki was spokesperson for the MINOS neutrino experiment at Fermilab and was well-known as he played a major role at Fermilab.

From the Innovation News Network, May 31, 2023: Editor Georgie Purcell interviews Sean Foster, Research Scientist at Boston University, and Elia Bottalico, Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Liverpool, who are both heavily involved on the Muon g-2 experiment. The g-2 collaboration scientists are in the final stages of data analysis for Runs 2 and 3 and are preparing to announce the results later this year.

From Big Think – Don Lincoln, May 26, 2023: The search for the smallest particles remains one of science’s greatest pursuits. By today’s measurements, quarks and leptons are the smallest known building blocks in nature, yet researchers wonder if perhaps quarks and leptons are built of even smaller things. Scientists and researchers continue to to look for smaller objects inside quarks and leptons using accelerators like CERN’s Large Hadron Collider.

Illustration with four portraits on top of a background featuring various icons

Creating a startup to commercialize technology developed during research is a risky road for physicists and engineers, but the help of experts can improve their chances.

From University of Chicago, May 21, 2023: The University of Chicago announced agreements with industry and university partners to transform the future of quantum technology yesterday at the G7 Summit in Japan. The University will relieve $100 million from IBM to help develop quantum-centric supercomputer and $50 million from Google to support quantum research and workforce development.

From APS News, May 11, 2023: Alan Bross, senior scientist at Fermilab, is leading a team of researchers to use a “muon telescope” to map the entire 454-foot-tall Great Pyramid of Giza. Muons detected from different locations and directions will be combined to generate a single 3D reconstruction — similar to tomographic imaging, used in medical CT scanners.