Ximena Cid builds community by cherishing her roots
Ximena Cid found her place in STEM by embracing her identity. Now she helps others do the same.
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Ximena Cid found her place in STEM by embracing her identity. Now she helps others do the same.
A handful of physicists have prepared the detector for a more sophisticated dark matter search.
The workshop is the culmination of a two-year process to provide a scientific vision and detailed proposals to the planning process for the future of US particle physics.
Today marks the start of LHC Run 3. So what was #restartingLHC in April all about?
Scientists have learned a lot about the Higgs boson in the decade since they discovered it. But intriguing questions remain.
The 2013 documentary Particle Fever follows physicists from the start-up of the LHC through the discovery of the Higgs boson. Where are those physicists now?
The discovery of the Higgs boson inspired young people around the world to pursue a career in science and technology.
Professors are finding new ways to show students that physics is more than just a set of laws and equations.
In a recent exhibit, the artist wove fantasy and physics to illustrate the temporal funk of living through a pandemic.