In the news

From Sciart Magazine, February 2018: Jim Jenkins, Fermilab artist-in-residence for 2017, shares thoughts on his residency. “[Fermilab] is first and foremost a place of thought. I find the blending of the intensely focused intellects and their pursuit of the elusive foundations of our reality stimulating and meditative simultaneously.” Subscription required: SciArtSubscriber467

From Forbes, Jan. 24, 2018: Fermilab will provide half of SLAC’s LCLS-II cryomodules, and Jefferson Lab in Newport News, Virginia, will provide the other half. Fermilab is located in Illinois, so the very first cryomodule that arrived at SLAC by truck last week made a hefty trip from Illinois to California – essentially making a trip across the whole of the U.S.

From WDCB’s First Light, Jan. 21, 2018: Fermilab’s 2017 artist-in-residence Jim Jenkins discusses a number of his pieces, now on display in the Fermilab Art Gallery, including his snowflake detector. Director Nigel Lockyer and Curator Georgia Schwender talk about the importance of art to understanding science.