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News highlights featuring Fermilab

911 - 920 of 1522 results

Celebrating 80, 85 years of the Yates and Ross shafts

    From Rapid City Journal, Nov. 28, 2019: The Ross and Yates Shafts were built in the 1930s and served as powerhouses for Homestake Mining Company for years. When asked what is most remarkable about these shafts, the experts unanimously agree — the engineering and craftsmanship that allow these shafts to be used to this day by Sanford Underground Research Facility.

    $1.9 milion DOE grant will support training of accelerator scientists

      DOE has awarded a $1.9 million grant to Northern Illinois University and the Illinois Institute of Technology for the training of next-generation workers in accelerator science and technology. The program will cover student tuition costs for two years and fund paid research assistantships at Fermilab and Argonne. Physics professors Michael Syphers and Philippe Piot, both experts in particle accelerator research and technology, are leading the effort at NIU.

      Dan Brouillette confirmed by the U.S. Senate to be secretary of energy

        From DOE, Dec. 2, 2019: in a bipartisan vote of 70-15, the United States Senate confirmed Dan Brouillette to be the 15th U.S. secretary of energy. An official swearing in will take place at a later date. Prior to confirmation, Acting Secretary Brouillette served as the deputy secretary of energy under Secretary Rick Perry.

        Local cosmologist explores the very first moments of creation

          From WTTW’s Chicago Tonight, Nov. 25, 2019: Fermilab scientist Dan Hooper spends his time contemplating the biggest mystery of all: how the universe came to be. In this 7-minute television segment, he outlines four big fundamental puzzles stumping cosmologists right now. He also explains these mysteries in his book “At the Edge of Time: Exploring the Mysteries of our Universe’s First Seconds.”

          CERN’s oldest particle accelerator is still running 60 years later

            From Gizmodo, Nov. 25, 2019: The oldest particle accelerator at CERN, home to the world’s most powerful particle accelerator, is celebrating its 60th birthday. It’s still running. The Proton Synchrotron accelerated its first protons on Nov. 24, 1959. It was the world’s highest-energy accelerator when it first began running.

            Fermilab cosmologist Dan Hooper – TMO Background Mode interview

              From The Mac Observer, Nov. 25, 2019: In this 30-minute podcast episode, Fermilab scientist Dan Hooper recounts how he caught the astrophysics bug as an undergraduate, landed a postdoc position at Oxford and was later hired at Fermilab. He chats about his interest in the interface between particle physics and cosmology, dark matter and what neutrinos can tell us about the early universe.

              Warwick physicists among UK researchers awarded £30m investment in global science project

                From the University of Warwick, Nov. 21, 2019: The University of Warwick has received over £900,000 to provide essential contributions to the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab, which aims to answer fundamental questions about our universe. The investment from UK Research and Innovations’ Science and Technology Facilities Council is a four-year construction grant to 13 educational institutions and to STFC’s Rutherford Appleton and Daresbury laboratories.