What could dark matter be?
Scientists don’t yet know what dark matter is made of, but they are full of ideas.
1221 - 1230 of 1605 results
Scientists don’t yet know what dark matter is made of, but they are full of ideas.
Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln explains how particle physics research attempts to answer questions of the universe. For those with a more practical bent, he explains how this research is an excellent investment, with a high rate of return for society.
On the same weekend that saw the fourth Hunger Games movie open nationwide, hundreds of people trekked to Fermilab to watch the fourth iteration of our own ruthless competition. Five scientists took the stage on Friday night, and only one left — with a prize, that is.
Matter and antimatter behave differently. Scientists hope that investigating how might someday explain why we exist.
I’d worked at the campus particle accelerator lab all four years of college and had built a couple particle accelerators at home. I brought my own cyclotron to my interview here. I think they hired me to keep an eye on me.
Although they might be invisible to the naked eye, contaminants less than a micron in size can ruin very sensitive experiments in particle physics.
The Proton Improvement Plan II, or PIP-II, is a proposed project to improve Fermilab’s particle accelerator complex with a major hardware overhaul and a powerful boost in its capabilities.
Fermilab’s popularity as a birding site is its diversity of species, a measure of the quality of the habitat. Birders have found 287 bird species at Fermilab.
Pick your favorites from among 24 photos taken during the Global Physics Photowalk.
New technology and new thinking are pushing the dark matter hunt to lower and lower masses.