
A bright idea

Can a biochemistry technique win the battle against background for scientists studying the nature of neutrinos?

From Deep Thoughts, Oct. 24, 2016: The science at Sanford Lab directly contributes to South Dakota’s economy, and according to the facility, it’s only going to grow with the installation of LBNF.

From Northwest Quarterly, Oct. 10, 2016: Our universe is a mystery. We don’t know what most of it is made of; we don’t know how it all works. But by using the largest, most complex machines in the world, scientists at Fermilab are figuring it out.

Water to the ropes

Robert Wilson was a man born out of his time. He lived in America from 1914 to 2000, but he really belonged to the central Italy of the 1500s. One ever-present reminder of this is the sculpture that sits in the reflecting pond in front of Wilson Hall.