
951 - 960 of 2563 results

New fleets of private satellites are clogging the night sky

    From Science News, March 12, 2020: Astronomers searching for dwarf galaxies using the Victor M. Blanco 4-meter Telescope in Chile were remotely operating the scope from a room at Fermilab, about 8,200 kilometers away, when they saw streaks popping through. A flock of satellites in low Earth orbit had photobombed their image.

    Brasil e Estados Unidos estreitam parceria estratégica em ciência e tecnologia

      From Brazilian Space, March 10, 2020: Durante a 5ª Comista, os dois países adotaram um Plano de Trabalho em Ciência e Tecnologia para o período de 2020 a 2023. Também foram firmados acordos de cooperação na área de cooperação científica em Física de Partículas de Alta Energia entre o Fermilab e a Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo e outro acordo na mesma área entre o Fermilab e a Universidade de Campinas.

      Caltech and JPL launch hybrid high rate quantum communication systems

        From EurekAlert!, March 6, 2020: Caltech and JPL have designed a practical, high-rate, high-fidelity quantum communication system over fiber and free space. The team is on track to deploy, commission and demonstrate both concepts, including a free-space, municipal quantum link between JPL and Caltech, in 2020-21. They will also establish a space-based quantum optical connection between the Caltech-JPL quantum network and quantum networks in the Midwest, including Fermilab’s FQNET and IEQNET, together with Argonne National Laboratory.

        Particle accelerator technology could solve one of the most vexing problems in building quantum computers

          From HPC Wire, March 2, 2020: Fermilab scientists are collaborating with researchers at Argonne, where they’ll run simulations on high-performance computers. Their work will help determine whether instruments called superconducting radio-frequency cavities, also used in particle accelerators, can solve one of the biggest problems facing the successful development of a quantum computer: the decoherence of qubits.

          Fifth meeting of the Brazil-U.S. Joint Commission on Science and Technology held in Brasilia

            From the U.S. Embassy and Consulates in Brazil, March 6, 2020: On March 5-6, Brazil and the United States held the fifth meeting of the Brazil-U.S. Joint Commission on Science and Technology Cooperation in Brasilia to deepen collaboration in key priority areas for the benefit of both countries. FAPESP and Fermilab signed an MOU to deepen scientific and technical cooperation in high-energy physics, and UNICAMP and Fermilab signed a cooperative agreement for a state-of-the-art LBNF cryogenics system.