National Science Foundation

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White House announces $1B for 12 AI, quantum research hubs

    From FedScoop, Aug. 26, 2020: The White House plans to establish seven Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes and five Quantum Information Science Research Centers with more than $1 billion in awards during the next five years. Fermilab is among the national laboratories that will serve as Quantum Information Science Research Center leads, combining its particle physics expertise with partners’ strengths in materials, computing and superconductivity science and technology to advance quantum technologies.

    White House Office of Technology Policy, National Science Foundation and Department of Energy announce over $1 billion in awards for artificial intelligence and quantum information science research institutes

    Funding will go towards NSF-led AI Research Institutes and DOE QIS Research Centers over five years, establishing 12 multidisciplinary and multi-institutional national hubs for research and workforce development in these critical emerging technologies. Together, the institutes will spur cutting-edge innovation, support regional economic growth and advance American leadership in these critical industries of the future.

    Physical Sciences Laboratory part of $1.6 million grant to plan for neutrino detector

      From University of Wisconsin–Madison, Sept. 5, 2018: The University of Wisconsin–Madison’s Physical Sciences Laboratory has been awarded by NSF a $1.6 million grant, with three other universities, to expand a technology for constructing specialized panels for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.