
231 - 240 of 522 results

Fermilab and University of Bern join forces for neutrino physics

Fermilab and the University of Bern in Switzerland have signed an agreement to develop detector components for the laboratory’s neutrino experiments. The agreement is the first of its kind between Fermilab and a Swiss university.

LBNF completes upgrade to far site’s underground ventilation system

    From Sanford Underground Research Facility, Sept. 27, 2019: Several projects are under way at Sanford Underground Research Facility to improve the reliability of the facility’s infrastructure. Crews are improving the facility for its role as the far site for Fermilab’s Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility. The LBNF project recently completed an upgrade of the main ventilation fan for the underground facility.

    Les neutrinos peuvent-ils résoudre le mystère de l’antimatière?

      From, Sept. 24, 2019: Une équipe de chercheurs dirigés par Christopher Mauger, dans une étude récemment publiée, avance certaines options pouvant faire en partie la lumière sur cet étrange phénomène et répondre à d’autres questions dans le domaine de la physique fondamentale. Dans le cadre du programme CAPTAIN représentent une première étape importante pour la mise sur pied du DUNE, une installation expérimentale pour l’étude des neutrinos et de la physique des particules.

      Can neutrinos help explain what’s the matter with antimatter?

        From Penn Today, Sept. 23, 2019: A team of researchers the University of Pennsylvania published results from the first set of experiments that can help answer these and other questions in fundamental physics. Their results are an important first step towards building the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab.

        Where physics (still) doesn’t work: the global quest to solve the universe’s enduring mysteries

          From the World Conference of Science Journalists, Aug. 26, 2019: In this video, Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer participates in a panel discussion on the big questions that remain unexplained today regarding the origin, nature and ultimate fate of the universe. The other panelists are CERN Director-General Fabiola Gianotti, French National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics Director Reynald Pain, and University of Zürich Professor Laura Baudis. Physics Today’s Toni Feder) moderates.

          Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz und US-amerikanisches Forschungszentrum Fermilab planen gemeinsame Berufung

            From Eifel Zeitung, Sept. 5, 2019: Das nächste große Neutrinoexperiment DUNE am Fermilab in Chicago wollen sie maßgeblich mitgestalten und sind dabei nun einen wichtigen Schritt vorangekommen: Verantwortliche von Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz und Fermilab haben eine Vereinbarung zur gemeinsamen Berufung einer international renommierten Forscherpersönlichkeit unterzeichnet.

            Neutrinos et antimatière

              From CNRS, Aug. 30, 2019: A scientist at the French National Center for Scientific Research talks about neutrinos and the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab, in this 2-minute video.

              Mainz University, Fermilab agree to joint appointment in support of Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment

              The Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany, has taken a significant step to participate in the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab. Fermilab and the university have signed an agreement to jointly appoint an internationally renowned researcher who will strengthen the experimental particle physics research program at JGU Mainz and advance a German contribution to DUNE. This is the first Fermilab joint agreement with a university in Germany.