
11 - 20 of 55 results

Fermilab to host virtual STEM Career Expo

    From Kane County Chronicle, May 19, 2020: Fermilab is hosting its annual STEM Career Expo online this year. The expo will allow high school students to learn more about science fields and what college courses are necessary for a STEM career.

    New AI + Science grants fund projects and workshops in chemistry, physics and CS education

      From the University of Chicago, May 12, 2020: A round of AI + Science grants awarded by the University of Chicago’s Office of Research and National Laboratories Joint Task Force Initiative supports new AI applications to boost scientific discovery and education. Awardees include Fermilab scientists Brian Nord, Charles Thangaraj and Nhan Tran.

      Fermilab hosts Family Open House

        From Naperville Community Television, Feb. 10, 2020: Fermilab opened its doors once again for their 16th annual Family Open House. The free event aims to teach the community about physics while having fun doing it, which is one reason people decided to come out. The crowd of around 2,500 people met Fermilab scientists and engineers to get a closer look into the world of physics. Creating that scientific spark in the younger generation is one of the laboratory’s goals. Watch the two-minute segment.

        Elementary school invites Fermilab physicists to present reverse science fair

        In an educational turning of the tables, first- through fifth-graders evaluated Fermilab scientists’ abilities to illuminate and educate at their school’s first reverse science fair. Three competing groups of scientists demoed neutrino detection, muon precession and particle acceleration in fun, accessible ways, and the elementary school students got to decide who received the blue ribbon.

        Fermilab physicists make science real for students

          From Kane County Chronicle, Feb. 5, 2020: Some people might think that Fermilab physicists are unapproachable eggheads, probing the deepest mysteries of science from their secluded laboratories without personal lives or connections to the rest of humanity. At their first reverse science fair, students at J.B. Nelson Elementary found out Fermilab scientists are just like everyone else — they aren’t geniuses. They just like science a lot.

          Fermilab to host Family Open House on Feb. 9

            From Kane County Chronicle, Feb. 4, 2020: This year’s events will feature The Great Neutrino Hunt, The Mr. Freeze Cryogenics Show, live physics demonstrations, a physics carnival developed and presented by high school students, and several activities for kids and their parents. The event also will feature tours of the Linear Accelerator Gallery and the Muon g-2 experiment and a driving tour of the site.

            When kids interview scientists

              Science Storytellers brings together two groups of innately curious individuals: scientists and children. In the Science Storytellers program, kids act as science journalists interviewing real-life scientists. Afterward, they share what they learned. Research shows that transmitting scientific knowledge to the public is important, but actually shifting someone’s opinions requires engaging with them in a two-way dialogue and treating them as a whole, complicated person with knowledge, experiences and influences of their own.