particle physics

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Nobel Prize in Physics is awarded to three scientists for work in quantum technology

    From the New York Times, October 4, 2022 (Sign-up needed to view): Yesterday, the three winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics were recognized for their experiments in an area that has broad implications for secure information transfer and quantum computing. Read more about how their results have cleared the way for “new technology based upon quantum information.”

    UChicago scientists to help lay out vision for future of particle physics

      From University of Chicago News, October 3, 2022: An international group of physicists is meeting to lay out a vision for the next decades of particle physics. Fermilab’s Marcela Carena, who is a member of the committee, will participate in this study, which will help guide federal agencies, policymakers and academics as they make decisions about research, funding and planning. The study is expected to be released in 2024.

      US particle physicists envision future of the field

        From Physics Today: Snowmass 2022 this past July took place over 10 days with almost 1,200 people participating online and in person at the University of Washington. It involved 511 white papers spanning 10 “frontier” areas. This once-a-decade meeting also reaffirmed support for completing the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) and the affiliated Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility to carry our DUNE’s science goals.

        Is particle physics at a dead end?

          From Prospect, August 29, 2022: The LHC is back running now colliding more intense beams, generating more collisions and collecting more data to sift. Fermilab’s Muon g-2 results offered an intriguing hint about muons that the LHC can follow up on by looking for new particles directly and the behavior it should induce in particles we know about.