particle physics

From Innovation News Network, February 25, 2022: PIP-II project director Lia Merminga discusses the Fermilab accelerator complex upgrade being done in collaboration with research institutions in India, the UK, Italy, France, and Poland. Read more about the current status of PIP-II project, what it sets out to achieve and the impacts PIP-II will have on the future of particle physics research.

From Science, November 29, 2021: Fermilab’s Muon g-2 result announcement is included in Science’s Annual People’s Choice Award listing of 2021 science breakthroughs. Place your vote through Dec. 6. On Thursday, 17 December, the winner of Science’s Breakthrough of the Year award will be announced. Vote today using twitter.

From Institute of Physics, November 29, 2021: Professor Mark Lancaster received the James Chadwick Medal from the Institute of Physics for his distinguished work of precise measurements in particle physics, particularly of the W boson mass and the muon’s anomalous magnetic moment in April 2021.

From Popular Science, November 24, 2021: The Popular Science writing staff compiled short stories of fun and interesting science stories they have covered. Included in this quirky series is the story of how Felicia the ferret helped clean accelerator tubes at Fermilab and the 2006 raccoon invasion in the Linac gallery.

From the US Department of Energy, October 29, 2021: The US DOE announced $6 million for collaborative research in high energy physics that involves substantial collaboration with Japanese investigators. Research supported under this initiative is expected to include experimental work at DOE’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) in Japan, as well as the study of rare particles produced at the SuperKEKB collider at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in Japan.