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The long and strange lives of Enrico Fermi’s accelerator building at UChicago

    The historic University of Chicago Accelerator Building will be taken down soon and the space will become a new, expanded building for engineering and science innovation. It once housed the cyclotron, designed by Enrico Fermi, and was the world’s most powerful particle accelerator using a 2,500-ton magnet to accelerate particles such as protons and nuclei. Read more about building and how the the cyclotron’s gigantic magnet was shipped off to become part of other experiments at what would later become Fermilab.

    An unplanned trajectory

      Cameo Lance spoke at an American Physical Society meeting about her winding path from an undergraduate degree in physics to the space industry.

      Physics buildings: the good, the bad and the ugly; breaking the silence on bullying and harassment

        From Physics World, February 3, 2022: Fermilab’s Wilson Hall was included and discussed in this episode of Physics World Weekly podcast about what makes a good physics building. At 17:25, Wilson Hall is described as one of the most beautiful buildings in physics and was very modern for 1960’s architecture when cement was so prevalently used in building construction.

        Chang Kee Jung Wins American Physical Society’s 2022 Lilienfeld Prize

          From Stony Brook University, December 1, 2021: Chang Kee Jung, founding member of the DUNE collaboration, is recipient of the 2022 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize by the American Physical Society. Professor Jung is being recognized for his outstanding contributions and leadership in experimental neutrino physics and outstanding teaching and outreach, especially in the physics of sports.