From The 21st NPR Illinois, April 14, 2021: Fermilab scientist Brendan Kiburg discusses the Muon g-2 result with host Brian Mackey on the 21st Illinois talk show.
Standard Model
From Reccom Magazine, April 13, 2021: After decades of speculation, a Fermilab experiment showing an unexplained discrepancy from the Standard Model was raised to a confidence level of 4.2 sigma.
From Smithsonian Magazine, April 9, 2021: Results from two particle physics experiments have come tantalizingly close to discovering a gap in the Standard Model.
From CNN, April 7, 2021: Fermilab’s senior scientist Don Lincoln explains the Muon g-2 experiment’s single measurement tells scientists the standard model of particle physics is incomplete — and has to be rethought.
From the Associated Press, April 7, 2021: Fermilab announced results Wednesday of 8.2 billion races along a track that have physicists astir: The muons’ magnetic fields don’t seem to be what the Standard Model says they should be.
From China Science News, (China), April 1, 2021: The Muon g-2 experiment conducted at the Fermilab will soon announce the results after 20 years of waiting.
From Scientific American, March 25, 2021: Physicists have long wondered if muons, electrons and other leptons possess differences besides their mass; the latest LHCb result; Fermilab and the upcoming results of Muon g-2 test the standard model.
From Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Jan. 26, 2021: The COHERENT particle physics experiment at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has firmly established the existence of a new kind of neutrino interaction. To observe this interaction, scientists used CENNS-10, a liquid argon detector built at and on loan from Fermilab.