
51 - 56 of 56 results

The Dark Energy Survey presents the most accurate view of the evolution of the universe

    From The Florida News Times, May 28, 2021: A highly accurate analysis of the DES data from the first three years of the study, show hints from previous DES data and other important experiments in the universe today are a few percent less than expected. The Dark Energy Survey Camera (DECam) used in the survey was specially designed for the Dark Energy Survey, and was funded by the Department of Energy (DOE) and built and tested at DOE’s Fermilab.

    A Univeristy of Chicago astronomer’s decades-long quest to map millions of stars

      From the University of Chicago, May 21, 2021: Long-time University of Chicago professor of astronomy and astrophysics, Richard Kron created the Sloan Digital Sky Survey which set the stage for the Dark Energy Survey. Although he is retiring this year after 40 years of mapping the universe, he plans on staying on as director of the Dark Energy Survey.