Looking back: Fermilab in the Civil Rights Era
On Fermilab’s 50th anniversary, we take a look back at its connections to the civil rights movement using archives and original interviews.
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On Fermilab’s 50th anniversary, we take a look back at its connections to the civil rights movement using archives and original interviews.
Nearly 100 curious neighbors turned out for Fermilab’s first Spanish-language Ask-a-Scientist event.
From the Chicago Tribune, March 13, 2017: One way Fermilab has been of benefit to the local community is the establishment of Aurora’s SciTech museum, which was opened by a Fermilab physicist in the 1980s.
As it evolves, the SLAC linear accelerator illustrates some important technologies from the history of accelerator science.
Blucher has dedicated most of his career to one of DUNE’s major science goals, and he’s excited by the scale of this experiment and its potential for a breakthrough.
New research could tell us about particle interactions in the early universe and even hint at new physics.
From Physics World, March 7, 2017: This episode of the Physics World podcast describes a virtual reality tour of the MicroBooNE detector at Fermilab.
In the 1980s I’d joined the NAL Recreation Committee, or NALREC. We’d host picnics in the Village and bring out the dunk tank.
In recognition of International Women’s Day, March 8, we present a photo gallery of Fermilab women.
From Science, March 6, 2017: For more than a decade, multiple experiments have found an unexpected excess in the number of high-energy antielectrons, or positrons, in space. A team led by Fermilab’s Dan Hooper has shown that pulsars, not dark matter annihilation, can indeed produce most or all of the excess.