New research center raises bar in Fermilab’s mission to go green
The addition of a new research facility on site is a landmark for both engineering and sustainability.
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The addition of a new research facility on site is a landmark for both engineering and sustainability.
From the Daily Herald, October 5, 2022: Take a journey down memory lane with the Daily Herald’s chronological listing of milestones, growth and discoveries including Fermilab’s discovery of the top quark, a tiny subatomic particle that can help explain the creation of the universe.
From the New York Times, October 4, 2022 (Sign-up needed to view): Yesterday, the three winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics were recognized for their experiments in an area that has broad implications for secure information transfer and quantum computing. Read more about how their results have cleared the way for “new technology based upon quantum information.”
From University of Chicago News, October 3, 2022: An international group of physicists is meeting to lay out a vision for the next decades of particle physics. Fermilab’s Marcela Carena, who is a member of the committee, will participate in this study, which will help guide federal agencies, policymakers and academics as they make decisions about research, funding and planning. The study is expected to be released in 2024.
The powerful camera built for the Dark Energy Survey has taken more than 1 million photos from its perch in Chile. Here are some of the best.
From Science, September 29, 2022: Fermilab’s DUNE and Japan’s Hyper-K experiments are building similar yet different projects that will study neutrino oscillations and search for CP violation in hopes it will lead to answers on how the newborn universe generated more matter than antimatter. Read more on how these two projects are progressing, how they differ and how they might answer more about the elusive neutrino.