Xenon takes a turn in the LHC
For the first time, the Large Hadron Collider is accelerating xenon nuclei for experiments.
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For the first time, the Large Hadron Collider is accelerating xenon nuclei for experiments.
From Scientific American, Sept. 19, 2017: Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer, Deputy Director Joe Lykken, DUNE co-spokesperson Mark Thomson, theorist Stephen Parke and Northwestern University’s André de Gouvêa help explain how DUNE, the largest experiment ever to probe mysterious neutrinos, could point the way to new physics.
Constellations illustrates the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics — with a love story.
Instead of searching for dark matter particles, a new device will search for dark matter waves.
From CERN Courier, Sept. 22, 2017: The DUNE far detector will be the largest liquid-argon neutrino detector ever built, comprising four cryostats holding 68,000 tons of liquid. Prototype detectors called protoDUNE are being built at CERN.
It was 1972, and the Meson Lab was just working on its first beam transport. As I sat and fiddled with the MAC-16 control computer to see what it would do, I looked up to see a gentleman walking towards me wearing a beret and wearing a top coat.
Fermilab directors receive formal recognition for their pioneering science, an important groundbreaking takes place, and a new education program takes off in October.
The national laboratory opened usually inaccessible areas of its campus to thousands of visitors to celebrate 50 years of discovery.
A Fermilab expert invents a simple, portable device that could signal a nearby train that the tracks are obstructed.
From Naperville Community Television, Sept. 23, 2017: With plenty to see and do, everyone was busy with interactive demonstrations, family-friendly experiments, and even special shows with Mr. Freeze. View NCT’s two-minute video.