451 - 460 of 1786 results

Fermilab breaks ground on second part of Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment

    From UC Davis’s Egghead, Nov. 15, 2019: On Nov. 14, Fermilab and international partners held a groundbreaking for the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility at the Fermilab site. LBNF will send a beam of trillions of neutrinos straight through Earth to the underground detector in South Dakota, 800 miles away. LBNF provides the infrastructure for the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab.

    Fermilab launches new institute for quantum science

    Today Fermilab announces the launch of the Fermilab Quantum Institute, which will bring all of the lab’s quantum science and technology projects under one umbrella. This new enterprise signals Fermilab’s commitment to this burgeoning field, working alongside scientific institutions and industry partners from around the world. The laboratory will use particle physics expertise to kick-start quantum technology for computing, sensors, simulations and communication.

    ISS astronauts start AMS repair

      A series of joint NASA and ESA spacewalks four years in the making aims to extend the life of the AMS particle detector. On Nov. 15, astronauts took on a series of tasks ranging in difficulty from zip-tie-cutting to safely launching a piece of equipment into space, all while orbiting the planet at around 5 miles per second. The goal was to fix a component of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, an international particle physics experiment, and to extend its study of cosmic rays, dark matter and antimatter for another decade.

      How the 2010s changed physics forever

        From Gizmodo, Nov. 14, 2019: Fermilab scientists Josh Frieman and Patty McBride reflect on how scientists are taking on the challenges of particle physics in light of the progress in the field over the last decade.