Searching for the matter that hides its shine
Just because matter is visible doesn’t mean it’s easy to see.
1 - 8 of 8 results
Just because matter is visible doesn’t mean it’s easy to see.
Quantum information breaks the rules of classical information in a way that could allow us to answer questions that a classical computer cannot.
Uncertainty, entanglement, spooky action: On the quantum scale, the universe doesn’t work the way you might expect.
A new analysis of the South Pole-based telescope’s observations has all but ruled out several popular models of inflation.
Researchers make progress on a vexing problem about how black holes evolve.
Nearly 75 years after the puzzling first detection of the kaon, scientists are still looking to the particle for hints of physics beyond their current understanding.
Rubin Observatory will bring new capabilities to the studies of dark matter and dark energy.
Just like we orbit the sun and the moon orbits us, the Milky Way has satellite galaxies with their own satellites. Drawing from data on those galactic neighbors, a new model suggests the Milky Way should have an additional 100 or so very faint satellite galaxies awaiting discovery.