Billion dollar project shining through the world to learn the journey of the neutrino
From The Momentum, Nov. 5, 2018: Lengthy article on DUNE from Thai media.
141 - 150 of 158 results
From The Momentum, Nov. 5, 2018: Lengthy article on DUNE from Thai media.
From Earth magazine, Nov. 1, 2018: DUNE is featured in a cover story in Earth Magazine. Print edition only.
From Black Hills Pioneer, Oct. 26, 2018: The new building will serve as housing for equipment that is currently located at the Ross complex, which will need to be moved in order to make room for the Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment/Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment construction planned in the coming years.
From Live Science, Oct. 24, 2018: There are many huge unanswered questions in science, but it’s hard to beat “Why is there something, instead of nothing?” Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln explains how the study of neutrinos could answer it.
From Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s, The Science Show, Oct. 12, 2018: Dan Falk visits Fermilab and talks with Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer and MINERvA co-spokesperson Debbie Harris.
From New Scientist Netherlands, Oct. 9, 2018: De nieuwe neutrinodetector ProtoDUNE is aangezet en heeft zijn eerste metingen verricht. Deze detector is met 565 kubieke meter ongeveer zo groot als een gemeentelijk zwembad, en is het prototype voor een reuzendetector in de VS, die negentig keer zo groot wordt.
From Black Hills Pioneer, Sept. 25, 2018: Two years in the making, a neutrino detector built at CERN for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment , which is being used as the prototype for the much larger Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility, detectors that will be housed at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota, has recorded its first particle tracks.
From CNN, Sept. 21, 2018: Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln explains the goals of Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment and how the ProtoDUNE detectors will validate the technology of the much larger DUNE.
From NRC, Sept. 19, 2018: Een nieuwe detector moet helpen begrijpen waarom materie en antimaterie elkaar niet onmiddellijk opheffen.
From Le Scienze, Sept. 21, 2018: Successo del prototipo dell’esperimento DUNE, allestito presso il centro di ricerca ginevrino: sono i primi indizi del passaggio di neutrini nei rivelatori costituiti da enormi serbatoi di argon liquido. È l’inizio di un progetto che porterà alla realizzazione di un apparato sperimentale simile ma 20 volte più grande al FermiLab di Chicago.