Five mysteries the Standard Model can’t explain
Our best model of particle physics explains only about 5 percent of the universe.
1481 - 1490 of 2082 results
Our best model of particle physics explains only about 5 percent of the universe.
From Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s, The Science Show, Oct. 12, 2018: Dan Falk visits Fermilab and talks with Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer and MINERvA co-spokesperson Debbie Harris.
From the University of Houston, Oct. 11, 2018: ProtoDUNE, a prototype for what will be a much bigger detector at the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, has been recording particle tracks, and physicists all over the world are collecting the data.
From Boise State Public Radio, Oct. 4, 2018: Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer talks about Leon Lederman in this radio piece.
From Physics Today, Oct. 10, 2018: Fermilab scientist emeritus John Yoh offers a reminiscence of Leon Lederman in this compilation.
To keep up with an impending astronomical increase in data about our universe, astrophysicists turn to machine learning.
From the Pittsburgh Computing Center, Oct. 10, 2018: Fermilab’s Dirk Hufnagel is quoted in this piece on the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center now supplying computation for the LHC. Fermilab scientists working on the CMS experiment, in collaboration with the Open Science Grid, have begun analyzing data LHC data using PSC’s Bridges supercomputer.
From Daily Herald, Oct. 9, 2018: The U.S. Department of Energy has announced that it has awarded scientists at its Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory more than $10 million to spur research that could revolutionize not only our understanding of nature, but also the very way we investigate it.
From CERN, Oct. 5, 2018: Lederman’s career spanned more than 60 years and brought him to universities and laboratories all over the world, including time at CERN as a visiting scientist.
From AAAS, Oct. 5, 2018: Even as an intellectual powerhouse who took pride is his achievements as a postdoctoral researcher and professor at Columbia University, Lederman maintained a characteristic wit and self-effacing disposition.