A Fermilab family legacy
Steve Tammes’ love of physics began with his grandfather’s tales about Fermilab.
741 - 750 of 2082 results
Steve Tammes’ love of physics began with his grandfather’s tales about Fermilab.
From La Nazione, March 8, 2021: Fermilab’s Anna Grassellino will inaugurate second semester teaching at the University of Pisa at 4 pm on Wednesday 10 March, live streaming on the social channels of the Pisa University.
From NewScientist, March 8, 2021: The recent experiment results of asymmetry in protons published in Nature calling out the new research used to improve measurement techniques from Fermilab’s SeaQuest detector.
From IG Último Segundo (Brazil), March 7, 2021: Fermilab researcher Marcelle Soares-Santos was included in this International Women’s Day story for her studies on dark matter and dark energy.
From Gazzetta del Sud online, March 7, 2021: On the eve of International Women’s Day, Fermilab’s Anna Grassellino is highlighted in this story about her career accomplishment as the lead of the SQMS program at Fermilab.
From Yale University, March 4, 2021: Fermilab scientist Antonio Ereditato has joined Yale University as a visiting professor in physics for a 3-year joint appointment between Yale and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. He has accomplished several research and development (R&D) studies and his research at Yale will focus on experimental neutrino physics.
From Xantek (Russia), March 3, 2021: This Russian science publication updates quantum experiments over the past year during the pandemic that included Fermilab’s quantum teleportation experiment led by Panagiotis Spentzouris, head of the Fermilab quantum science program.
From DOE Office of Science, March 4, 2021: Q&A with Fermilab’s senior scientist, Aaron Chou, and his achievements as a result of receiving the Early Career Research Program.
From Science & Vie, March 4, 2021: Fermilab was included with other accelerator labs for their discoveries of new particles and materials in this French science magazine.
From the Science of the Francis Mule, March 1, 2021: Scientists at Fermilab and Argonne publish new results from SeaQuest experiment showing the asymmetry of protons.