531 - 540 of 563 results
Our imperfect vacuum
The emptiest parts of the universe aren’t so empty after all.
Is the neutrino its own antiparticle?
The mysterious particle could hold the key to why matter won out over antimatter in the early universe.
Video: How to wrangle a particle
Learn some particle accelerator basics from a Fermilab accelerator operator.
The booming science of dwarf galaxies
A recent uptick in the discovery of the smallest, oldest galaxies benefits studies of dark matter, galaxy formation and the evolution of the universe.
CERN and U.S. increase cooperation
The United States and the European physics laboratory have formally agreed to partner on continued LHC research, upcoming neutrino research and a future collider.
Physics books of 2015
A tour of 10 of this year’s popular science books delivers dark matter, black holes and a hefty dose of Einstein.
Save the particles
To learn more about the particles they collide, physicists turn their attention to a less destructive type of collision in the LHC.