In the news

From The New York Times, Oct. 16, 2017: This is the first time LIGO has discovered anything that regular astronomers could see and study. One of the group of astronomers who spotted the speck of light was led by Marcelle Soares-Santos of Brandeis University and using the Dark Energy Camera.

From Scientific American, Sept. 19, 2017: Fermilab Director Nigel Lockyer, Deputy Director Joe Lykken, DUNE co-spokesperson Mark Thomson, theorist Stephen Parke and Northwestern University’s André de Gouvêa help explain how DUNE, the largest experiment ever to probe mysterious neutrinos, could point the way to new physics.

From CERN Courier, Sept. 22, 2017: The DUNE far detector will be the largest liquid-argon neutrino detector ever built, comprising four cryostats holding 68,000 tons of liquid. Prototype detectors called protoDUNE are being built at CERN.

From Naperville Community Television, Sept. 23, 2017: With plenty to see and do, everyone was busy with interactive demonstrations, family-friendly experiments, and even special shows with Mr. Freeze. View NCT’s two-minute video.

From Nature, Sept. 5, 2017: Maps of the cosmic microwave background have become iconic representations of the early universe. But when the Dark Energy Survey collaboration unveiled the analysis of their first year of data last month, many felt that a new era had started.