In the news

From Science News, Dec. 5, 2018: The COSINE-100 searched for particles using the same type of detector as another experiment, whose researchers said they had strong evidence that dark matter was interacting in their detector. COSINE-100 found no evidence of the evasive subatomic particles. Fermilab scientist Dan Hooper comments on COSINE-100’s findings.

From Voyage Chicago, Dec. 6, 2018: Georgia Schwender, Fermilab Art Gallery curator, talks about creating art, curating a gallery, and founding the lab’s artist-in-residence program.

From Québec Science, Dec. 3, 2018: La mise en service d’immenses détecteurs au Fermilab, aux États-Unis, pourrait prochainement faire la lumière sur des particules aussi bizarres que prometteuses: les neutrinos.

From This Week in Science, Nov. 28, 2018: Fermilab scientist Alex Himmel talks about neutrinos, DUNE and the excitement of particle physics. Segment starts at 5:01.