Vera C. Rubin Observatory brings the universe to everyone August 22, 2023 astronomyoutreachSymmetry feature The Rubin Observatory is making education and outreach a top priority.
Seeing the full picture with line-intensity mapping August 15, 2023 astrophysicselectronline-intensity mappingP5Symmetry feature Astronomers are championing a relatively new technique as a method to understand the structure of the early universe in three dimensions.
Muon g-2 doubles down with latest measurement, explores uncharted territory in search of new physics August 10, 2023 magnetic fieldMuon g-2Standard ModelFermilab featurePress release Scientists working on Fermilab’s Muon g-2 experiment released the world’s most precise measurement yet of the magnetic moment of the muon, bringing particle physics closer to the ultimate showdown between theory and experiment that may uncover new particles or forces.
Fermilab joined national effort to increase efficiency in microelectronics August 9, 2023 emerging technologiesenergy efficiencymicroelectronicsFermilab feature On July 17, Fermilab signed the Energy Efficiency Scaling for 2 Decades pledge with DOE representatives.
Applications of quantum mechanics at the beach August 8, 2023 quantum mechanicsUV photonsUV radiationSymmetry feature How does sunscreen work on the atomic level?
Fermilab’s SQMS Center hosts inaugural U.S. Quantum Information Science program to develop quantum workforce August 7, 2023 quantumSQMSPress release The U.S. Quantum Information Science school, hosted at Fermilab, will be the one of the largest federally sponsored events to educate the next generation of quantum science researchers, engineers and support staff.
2 Fermilab researchers have received 2023 DOE Early Career Research awards August 4, 2023 awardDOEEarly Career AwardFermilab feature Guillermo Fernandez Moroni and Silvia Zorzetti are two of 93 early career scientists recognized by DOE for groundbreaking research.
Indian scientists come to Fermilab to assist with PIP-II particle accelerator technology August 3, 2023 cryomoduleIndiaPIP-IIFermilab feature Fermilab and India’s Department of Atomic Energy institutions enjoy a strong partnership, further strengthened by Indian scientists assisting with work on the new particle accelerator.
IceCube and NANOGrav open new windows onto the universe August 1, 2023 gravitational waveIceCubeMilky WayneutrinoSymmetry feature New results from a neutrino telescope and a gravitational-wave observatory show how astronomers use different forms of messengers to study the cosmos.
How new atomic clocks could help in search for dark matter — and beyond July 24, 2023 atomic clockdark matteremerging technologiesquantum sensorFermilab feature Researchers look to develop ultra-sensitive, ultra-precise tools that can operate in space on a joint Fermilab and MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory project.