Q&A with Nobel laureate Barry Barish
Barish explains how LIGO became the high-achieving experiment it is today.
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Barish explains how LIGO became the high-achieving experiment it is today.
From SpaceRip, Oct. 27, 2017: In this 7-minute video featuring photography and animated simulations of outer space, Dark Energy Survey Director Josh Frieman talks about DES and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope and how these surveys will help us understand dark energy.
From The Conversation, Oct. 25, 2017: Fermilab scientist Dan Hooper describes the mystery of dark matter and how scientists are working to solve the puzzle.
From The New York Times, Oct. 16, 2017: This is the first time LIGO has discovered anything that regular astronomers could see and study. One of the group of astronomers who spotted the speck of light was led by Marcelle Soares-Santos of Brandeis University and using the Dark Energy Camera.
For the first time, experiments have seen both light and gravitational waves released by a single celestial crash.
Astronomers are at the forefront of the fight against light pollution, which can obscure our view of the cosmos.
From Forbes, Aug. 29, 2017: Latest results from the five year long Dark Energy Survey puts the Standard Model of our universe under the most precise test yet.
New experiments will help astronomers uncover the sources that helped make the universe transparent.
DeeDee, a potential new dwarf planet at the edge of our solar system, was discovered in one of DES’ many analyses of faraway galaxies.
Physicists are searching for gravitational waves all across the spectrum.