
61 - 70 of 120 results

DESI opens its 5,000 eyes to capture the colors of the cosmos

Berkeley Lab’s Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument aimed its robotic array of 5,000 fiber-optic “eyes” at the night sky Oct. 22 to capture the first images showing its unique view of galaxy light. It was the first test DESI with its nearly complete complement of components. Fermilab contributed key elements to DESI, including the corrector barrel, hexapod, cage and CCDs. Fermilab also provided the online databases used for data acquisition and the software for the instrument’s robotic positioners.

Dark matter has never killed anyone, and scientists want to know why

    From Popular Science, July 29, 2019: “Death by Dark Matter” is not the name of your new favorite metal band; it’s the literal title of a new study by a trio of American of physicists. Fermilab science Dan Hooper is quoted in this article on their paper, which explores what the hypothetical consequences might be on the human population if a certain candidate of dark matter turned out to be true.

    Fermilab scientist Brian Nord awarded University of Chicago grant to bring AI to cosmology

    Nord and a University of Chicago scientist will apply the tools of artificial intelligence to accelerate discovery by automating the design and execution of cosmic experiments. The grant is part of an initiative to provide seed funding for collaborative projects in AI and quantum science between the university, Fermilab and Argonne National Laboratory.

    The 9 percent difference

      Few numbers have gotten under astronomers’ skin like the Hubble constant. In fact, experts have debated the value of this single parameter for 90 years, and if astronomers can measure its value with great precision, they’ll be one step closer to solving some of the other grand astronomical mysteries of our age. There’s just one problem: The measurements they’ve taken don’t agree. The discrepancy makes scientists question whether something is amiss in our understanding of the universe.