Criadores do Arapuca recebem prêmio da American Physical Society
From FAPESP, Dec. 20, 2019: Os físicos Ana Amélia Bergamini Machado e Ettore Segreto foram os ganhadores do DPF Instrumentation Early Career Award de 2019.
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From FAPESP, Dec. 20, 2019: Os físicos Ana Amélia Bergamini Machado e Ettore Segreto foram os ganhadores do DPF Instrumentation Early Career Award de 2019.
From UNICAMP, Dec. 19, 2019: Ana Amélia Machado e Ettore Segreto fazem parte da colaboração internacional Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, sediada no Fermilab, e são responsáveis pelo detector de neutrinos chamado ARAPUCA., abreviação de Argon R&D Advanced Program Unicamp.
For the last three decades, physicists have patiently waited for the next nearby supernova. Luckily, waiting is no longer the only option.
With an upgrade to the Super-Kamiokande detector, neutrino physicists will gain access to the supernovae of the past.
Latin American institutions are instrumental in creating photon detectors for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment.
Advances in subatomic physics heavily depend on ingenuity and technology. And when it comes to discovering the nature of some of the most elusive particles in the universe, neutrinos, scientists need the best and most sensitive detector technology possible. Scientists working at CERN have started tests of a new neutrino detector prototype, using a very promising technology called “dual phase.”
Scientists working at CERN have started tests of a new neutrino detector prototype using a promising technology called “dual phase.” If successful, this new technology will be used at a much larger scale for the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, hosted by Fermilab. Scientists began operating the dual-phase prototype detector at CERN at the end of August and have observed first tracks. The new technology may be game-changing, as it would significantly amplify the faint signals that particles create when moving through the detector.
Fermilab and the University of Bern in Switzerland have signed an agreement to develop detector components for the laboratory’s neutrino experiments. The agreement is the first of its kind between Fermilab and a Swiss university.
Scientists are working on a pixelated detector capable of clearly and quickly capturing neutrino interactions — a crucial component for the near detector of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment. Using technological solutions developed at University of Bern and Berkeley Lab, a prototype detector called ArgonCube is under construction in Bern and will arrive at Fermilab next year.
From Science News, June 17, 2019: The particles could be spotted when they slam into electrons or atomic nuclei in the crystals, says Fermilab scientist Noah Kurinsky.
From Saense, Feb. 14, 2019: Uma parte vital de um dos maiores experimentos da física de partículas atual foi desenvolvida no Brasil. O Arapuca é um detector de luz a ser instalado no Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment — projeto que busca descobrir novas propriedades dos neutrinos, partícula elementar com muito pouca massa e que viaja a uma velocidade muito próxima à da luz.