Latin America

Brazilian physicist César Lattes, considered a national hero for his discoveries, paved the way for trailblazing research projects in particle astrophysics across Latin America and beyond.

Latin America has reached a pivotal moment in experimental particle physics and astrophysics research. Throughout the month of October, Symmetry will highlight important places, explain significant milestones, and introduce you to some of the people who have shaped and are continuing to shape particle physics and astrophysics in Latin America.

From Agência FAPESP, May 1, 2019: Colaborações científicas de longo prazo exigem grande infraestrutura de pesquisa. Um bom exemplo disso está na Europa, o Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Considerada a maior máquina do mundo, levou uma década para ser construída, envolvendo milhares de cientistas de 111 países.