Intriguing news from MiniBooNE
New research results have potentially identified a fourth type of neutrino: the sterile neutrino.
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New research results have potentially identified a fourth type of neutrino: the sterile neutrino.
From Los Alamos National Laboratory, June 6, 2018: New research results have potentially identified a fourth type of neutrino, a “sterile neutrino” particle.
New data shows that a MiniBooNE signal that may point to additional types of neutrinos has grown even stronger. Significantly stronger.
From Newsweek, June 4, 2018: After years of controversy and conflicting results, MiniBooNE appears to support old results from the LSND experiment. Researchers think it might be evidence of a fabled and highly controversial elementary particle, the sterile neutrino.
From Daily Mail, June 4, 2018: MiniBooNE, a Fermilab experiment, published new results that mirror those seen from an experiment run in the 1990s at Los Alamos National Laboratory, which could be interpreted as evidence for sterile neutrinos, a theorized source of the universe’s dark matter.
From Physicsworld, June 4, 2018: Physicists working on the Mini Booster Neutrino Experiment (MiniBooNE) at Fermilab in the US have released new results that they argue provide strong evidence for the existence of a new type of particle known as a sterile neutrino.
From Quanta, June 1, 2018: MiniBooNE, a Fermilab experiment, has detected far more electron neutrinos than predicted — a possible harbinger of a revolutionary new elementary particle called the sterile neutrino, though many physicists remain skeptical.
From Science News, June 1, 2018: The MiniBooNE experiment at Fermilab found more interactions of neutrinos and antineutrinos than expected, mirroring a puzzling excess found more than two decades ago.
This neutrino-watchers season preview will give you the rundown on what to expect to come out of neutrino research in the coming years.
From India Today, April 12, 2018: Thanks to a breakthrough at Fermilab’s MiniBooNE experiment scientists can observe muon neutrinos, a particular type of neutrino, with exactly known energy hit at atoms in their particle detector.