Heard of a muon?
From Portable TV, I Don’t Understand, July 18, 2021: William Shatner interviews Saskia Charity of Fermilab on what is a muon and the meaning of the Muon g-2 experiment result.
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From Portable TV, I Don’t Understand, July 18, 2021: William Shatner interviews Saskia Charity of Fermilab on what is a muon and the meaning of the Muon g-2 experiment result.
From How Stuff Works, July 1, 2021: Fermilab’s Muon g-2 result announcement in April 2021 introduced the world to the muon. Although the particle was first discovered in the late 1930’s, the muon made international headlines confirming previous findings that the muon behaves in a way that contradicts the Standard Model of Particle Physics.
From University of Chicago News, June 18, 2021: Fermilab’s muon g-2 result announced in April has theorists scratching their heads about muons behaving slightly differently than predicted in their giant accelerator.
From CERN, June 15, 2021: A new study shows a class of new unknown particles that could account for the muon’s magnetism, known as leptoquarks, also affects the Higgs boson’s transformation into muons.
From the Dallas Morning News, June 13, 2021: The results of the April 7 Muon g-2 result strongly disagreed with the standard model and it is incumbent upon us now to explain this observation, writes Stephen Sekula, chair of physics and an associate professor of experimental particle physics at Southern Methodist University.
From Physics Today, June 1, 2021: How do you transport a 15 000-kilogram magnetic ring with the same width as a basketball court from central Long Island to suburban Chicago? In 2011 Fermilab shut down its particle collider, the Tevatron, which made space to host a project like Muon g – 2, to house the high-intensity proton source that would generate the muons.
From Physics Today, May 30, 2021: How the Muon g-2 results from Brookhaven and Fermilab have challenged the standard model.
From the University of Chicago News, June 3, 2021: University of Chicago Professor Dan Hooper, who worked on the muon g-2 experiment, discusses how the g-2 result challenges “standard model” and open a whole new kind of physics.
From Physics Today, June 1, 2021: How the Muon g-2 results from Brookhaven and Fermilab have challenged the standard model. Fermilab’s Chris Polly talks about the Brookhaven experiment, moving the magnetic ring and what the Fermilab results mean to the standard model and particle physics.
From Quo (Spain), May 23, 2021: An interview with Pilar Hernández Gamazo to find out the scope of the muon case that will transform our understanding of the Universe. Pilar Hernández is a professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Valencia.