
From Quanta, October 28, 2021: In 1993, Los Alamos National Laboratory saw hints of a fourth kind of neutrino which led to MiniBooNE. Now the results of MicroBooNE reveal sterile neutrinos alone cannot account for the MiniBooNE anomaly and the results are consistent with the possibility that only half of MiniBooNE’s events are due to neutrino oscillations.

From Forbes, October 27, 2021: Fermilab’s Don Lincoln discusses the journey of the hypothetical sterile neutrino and the results of the MicroBooNE experiment hosted at Fermilab. Have sterile neutrinos been ruled out?

From Yale News, October 27, 2021: On Oct. 27, the international MicroBooNE collaboration announced the first results of MicroBooNE’s search for an anomaly that could have indicated a fourth type of neutrino, a subatomic particle considered a fundamental building block of matter.

From the BBC, October 27, 2021: Yesterday, the MIcroBooNE collaboration opened a new chapter in physics with the announcement of their results; the search failed to find the particle, known as the sterile neutrino.

From PBS, October 6, 9:00 pm CT: Tune in to the PBS premiere of Particles Unknown-the hunt for the universe’s most common yet elusive particle, this Wednesday on your local PBS channel. Starting with Ray Davis’ quest for neutrinos that began in 1965, Nova explores Fermilab’s search for sterile neutrinos and interviews Sam Zeller and Angela Fava from the Neutrino Division. Check your local PBS station programming to confirm the date and time of Particles Unknown.