particle physics

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Texas A&M physicist Kevin Kelly earns American Physical Society Early Career Award

    Dr. Kevin J. Kelly, an assistant professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Texas A&M University and a former postdoc at Fermilab, has been selected as the 2025 recipient of the American Physical Society’s Henry Primakoff Award for Early-Career Particle Physics in recognition of his contributions and promising career potential in fundamental particle physics and cosmology.

    Particle Physics Panel assesses US influence on global stage

      A new report from the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel has come out stressing the importance of international collaboration in particle physics research. The report is part of a series of “international benchmarking” studies commissioned by the Department of Energy’s Office of Science with the HEPAP subcommittee chaired by Fermilab scientists Patricia McBride and Bonnie Fleming.

      Finding the secret of human existence in an atom-smasher

        Kmele Foster, host of Dispatches from The Well, visited Fermilab last spring to speak with scientists about how exploring the mysteries at the heart of particle physics can help us better understand some of the most profound mysteries of our universe. This Big Think production features Bonnie Fleming, Don Lincoln, Doga Kurkcuoglu and Rachel Pfaff.

        Powerhouse of global discovery driven science: particle & accelerator physics research at Liverpool

          The University of Liverpool is addressing the most fundamental research questions in physics – leading and influencing global discovery driven scientific efforts to advance our understanding and description of nature. Fermilab is included in this video about pioneering precision and neutrino physics experiments, including the Muon g-2 experiment and commentary by Professors Graziano Venanzoni, Muon g-2 co-spokesperson.

          This summer, particle physicists will prioritize projects for the field’s future

            From APS News, March 16, 2023: The much anticipated P5 report will be out later this year. In the meantime, the 30-members of the P5 panel are gathering information at town hall meetings this summer. This input will be added to the new information gathered at Snowmass 2022 for the first time that includes more early career researcher involvement and improved conversations about equity and inclusion.