Scientist omitted from Nobel Prize finally gets her due
From CNN, Sept. 14, 2018: Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln writes about Jocelyn Bell Burnell winning the Breakthrough Prize.
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From CNN, Sept. 14, 2018: Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln writes about Jocelyn Bell Burnell winning the Breakthrough Prize.
Behind some of the world’s biggest scientific instruments are teams with a set of skills you can’t find anywhere else.
Even though the ProtoDUNE time projection chambers are small compared to the planned DUNE far detectors, the data volume that these detectors produce are similar in size to what is coming out of the largest LHC experiments.
The University of Liverpool graduate works on upgrading part of the Muon g-2 experiment.
From iNGENET, Sept. 4, 2018: En entrevista con la Agencia Informativa Conacyt, el profesor e investigador de la División de Ciencias e Ingenierías campus León, de la Universidad de Guanajuato, Julián Félix Valdez, destacó el papel de los proyectos, las colaboraciones y participación de los estudiantes de este laboratorio, además de la creación de tecnología propia para la exploración del mundo físico.
Joel Butler reflects on his time as the CMS spokesperson and what’s next in his long physics career.
Willie Rockward applied to college with pro football dreams, but a physics scholarship set him on a different path.
For the next two years, the Fermilab physicist will help lead the CMS experiment to push the boundaries of what is possible with the giant particle detector.
Rich Kron and Tom Diehl will lead the sky survey through the close of observations and into an era of full-data analysis.
From The Story Collider, Aug. 24, 2018: Fermilab scientist Herman White tells the story about leaving his hometown of Tuskegee to pursue physics. His Alabama roots help him make a surprising connection later in his career.