
From Illinois Public Radio’s The 21st, Oct. 15, 2018: Fermilab archivist Valerie Higgins appears on Illinois Public Radio to talk about Enrico Fermi and Leon Lederman. Segment starts at 41:20

From Physics Today, Oct. 10, 2018: Fermilab scientist emeritus John Yoh offers a reminiscence of Leon Lederman in this compilation.

From CERN, Oct. 5, 2018: Lederman’s career spanned more than 60 years and brought him to universities and laboratories all over the world, including time at CERN as a visiting scientist.

From ars technica, Oct. 3, 2018: He was a leading light of particle physics, directing one of the most prestigious physics laboratories in the world. He won the Nobel Prize and irked his physics colleagues by coining the term “the god particle” to describe the Higgs boson. That long, rich life ended the early morning of Oct. 3 when physicist Leon Lederman died of complications from dementia at the age of 96.