CERN alumna turned deep-sea explorer
Grace C. Young is fascinated by fundamental questions about realms both quantum and undersea.
241 - 250 of 275 results
Grace C. Young is fascinated by fundamental questions about realms both quantum and undersea.
Georgia Schwender deals in cyanotypes, prairies and people.
Himmel’s work will provide more precise measurements of neutrino energy.
Dr. Betz was known, at Fermilab, for creating and overseeing the prairie planting project.
This experimental physicist has followed the ICARUS neutrino detector from Gran Sasso to Geneva to Chicago.
As a TARGET student last year, Hein helped create a Python course for other TARGET students. Now he’s back teaching as an extended intern.
More than 2 million people have viewed Zuckerberg’s Facebook Live video, which discusses DUNE, neutrinos and the search for dark matter.
Universities in sub-Saharan Africa are teaming up to offer free training to students interested in fundamental physics.
Nhan Tran receives award for his leading role on jet substructure reconstruction and pile-up mitigation for the CMS experiment.
Aliaga Soplin is recognized for his outstanding work in neutrino flux predictions for the NuMI beamline.